Pastor Notes by Darryl McCollum, CLP
Happy New Year – I know by the time this is read the baby New Year will have learned to walk, talk, and is probably eligible to be enrolled in Beginnings and Beyond. But, since this is the initial First Press newsletter of the year, I believe I am culturally safe to open with a New Year’s salutation.
Our family here on this corner of God’s Kingdom closed out 2018 strong due to the dedication of many of you. It would have been easy to church-hop or just stay home with the departure of Pastor Toby from his very productive time here with us at FPCC, but you have all be faithful.
Many things are either new or have been revitalized in the ministries that we are doing.
- Restarted Sunday morning Children’s Messages.
- The Youth Group has been revitalized and has a new name, “The Crew”
- Our Come and See program that introduces people to our family here and the larger family of the Presbyterian Church USA has become a quarterly event.
- Pancakes were prepared and served through Advent.
- Our Christmas Eve service time was changed to 7pm be more family friendly.
- The Deacon corps grew as people felt the call of God to serve.
- We welcomed nine new covenant family members in December.
- God’s children are showing up! Over 100 people worshiped God with us every Sunday in December on this corner of His kingdom.
- The Christmas concert was amazing and was live-streamed on Facebook for the first time.
- World Communion Sunday was well attended and had over 800 views on Facebook.
There are so many more blessings in 2018 that could be listed, but this is just a taste of them since August to let you know how much God is doing for and through our FPCC family. The best part is that the first five on this list are directly attributed to fellowship time discussions among our family. Somebody raising a question, suggesting, brainstorming, how we can better live into the mission of “Love God, Love People, and Serve”.
These discussions literally took place in doorways, at fellowship tables, in the aisles of the church, on the patio. They happened before and after church, small groups, choir, and ministry team meetings. Elders, Deacons, longtime attendees, visitors, and other churches on the campus all contributed. They happened over coffee, tea, cookies, and sometimes (to my chagrin) with no goodies at all. The point is that they happened. People coming together in service of God, prepared to give of their time, talents, and treasure to fulfill our mission.
The Session, Deacons, and Staff all love serving this family, and we appreciate everyone’s input to better reflect God in everything our family does. I would encourage each of you to join the conversations and be part of the discussions. Your ideas to make our Corner for God a reflection of God’s love to our community are so important. I’ll see you in a doorway. Blessings – Darryl