September/October First Press Issue
Letter from Pastor Johanna:
We made it! Dogs and all!
And we are so happy to be here.
First off — because it has been five straight days of the most beautiful clear blue summer skies.
Secondly — because our dogs turned out to be
relatively good travelers, only on occasion getting so frustrated that
they felt the need to sit on one another. (See photo below.)
Thirdly — because people have been so good about
lending us their homes during this first couple of weeks as we wait for
our more permanent housing to work itself out. (Susan Koester’s washer
and dryer almost brought tears to our eyes: clean clothes, yes!)
Fourth — all the people we’ve run into around town
looking for office furniture or getting to know the local masters swim
team with connections to First. We’ve felt known and appreciated because
this place is known and appreciated.
Fifth — First’s staff, who have been so very
patient with my various poppings-in this week and quick to help me with
scanning documents and just generally figuring things out.
Sixth — First’s lay leaders, who have been
absolutely wonderful, supporting Michael and myself as we make our way
through the perils of homeownership in this area. We truly could not
have done it without them.
And seventh — because we have had such a strong sense
of God’s care and Providence in this place and at this church this first
week in Concord, and are so looking forward to the official start of
our life with you!
God’s peace and blessings,
Pastor Johanna
Rev. Dr. Johanna McCune Wagner comes to FPCC from Trinity Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, MO. Read more about Pastor Johanna and her family.
Please join the PNC in welcoming Pastor Johanna and her husband, Michael
Coyle, on September 8, 2019, after church service in the Fellowship