Update Tuesday, June 23
Thanks to your help the past several weeks with our maximum protection efforts, we are back at a place to lighten the COVID restrictions on campus.
Masks are now optional in the sanctuary, but we do ask that you respect the choices of your siblings here at church. Be mindful that many of our congregation belong to high risk categories and may be taking extra personal precautions.
We do ask that you enjoy our YouTube service from home if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
1. Have you experienced new or worsening systems of any combination of two or more of the following?- Fever or Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore Throat
- Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea
2. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 7 days?
3. Are you currently awaiting results from a COVID-19 test?
4. Have you been told that you are suspected to have COVID-19 by a licensed healthcare provider in the past 7 days?
5. Have you been in contact with anyone that has tested positive in the past 7 days?
These will be posted at the church for you to review prior to entry.
We can expect things such as passing the peace, offering plates, and traditional communion elements to come back into play as well.
Once again, your help and cooperation over the past month is directly responsible for the “goodness” we are experiencing today on the COVID front. Please continue to use best practices of masks and hand sanitizer in high traffic locations.
If you are experiencing symptoms and need help getting groceries or medicine please reach out to your deacon or the office 925-676-7177.
We have a team of folks who would be happy to run errands for you and make sure you have what you need.
Masks are now optional in the sanctuary, but we do ask that you respect the choices of your siblings here at church. Be mindful that many of our congregation belong to high risk categories and may be taking extra personal precautions.
We do ask that you enjoy our YouTube service from home if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
1. Have you experienced new or worsening systems of any combination of two or more of the following?
Update Tuesday, June 21
We are pleased to be meeting in-person for worship this Sunday, June 26. As always, we will still have our live stream service on YouTube. Because of the current surge of Covid cases locally, we will be taking extra precautions this week.
If you plan to join us in person, here’s what you can expect:
- Masks will be required to enter the sanctuary. If you need a mask, our ushers will have one for you.
- We will be checking temperatures at the door. If your temperature is higher than 99 degrees, we will ask you not to enter the sanctuary.
- If you have new or worsening symptoms we ask that view our online service.
- If you have ha contact with anyone who has tested positive in the past 7 days please view our online service.
- Hand sanitizer will be available when you enter the sanctuary.
- We will only have the prepackaged cups and wafers for communion.
- Coffee hour after the service will be outdoors in the courtyard.
- We will offer Sunday School, but we will move to the Fellowship Hall to make social distancing easier.
- The church is open regular hours, Tuesday through Friday, 10 AM-4 PM.
If you are ill and you need medicine or groceries, please contact us at leadership@fpcconcord.org or 925-676-7177. We have a team of folks who would be happy to run errands for you and make sure you have what you need.
Thank you for your continued commitment to keep each other safe and healthy. We will get through this current surge together and we look forward to having everyone back together safe and well soon!
Update Tuesday, May 24
- With our population of seniors and five recent positive Covid tests in the congregation of FPCC, staff have decided to not have an in-person service on Sunday, May 29. We will record the service and post it on YouTube by 10 AM on Sunday. There will be links in both the Friday and Sunday emails to both the service and a bulletin on our website.
- The church office will also be closed through Monday, May 30. We plan to reopen the church office on Tuesday, May 31.
- At this time, we are planning to resume meeting in person on Sunday, June 5, but that may change as things unfold. We will do everything we can to keep you informed.
- When we do reopen, Session has voted to require masks during on-campus indoor gatherings of our members in accordance with Contra Costa County Recommendations. Session will evaluate risks periodically to maintain a safe environment.
- We are currently aware of five positive Covid cases in the congregation. This number may grow in the coming days. Attendees of last Sunday’s Parish Luncheon may have been exposed. We encourage everyone to get tested if you believe you may have been exposed. If you do not have symptoms, the Contra Costa County Health Department recommends getting tested 3-5 days after being exposed. If you do have symptoms, you should test right away. Free walk-up PCR testing is available at the Concord Senior Center. You can learn more on the county’s website at cchealth.org. You can also order eight free rapid tests to be delivered to your home at covid.gov.
- We care very much about your welbeing and we’re working hard to make the best decisions to keep everyone safe. If there’s anything we can do for you, please let your deacon know or reach out to pastoral staff at leadership@fpcconcord.org.
Update Friday, March 18
FPCC brothers and sisters in Christ, session has decided for the time being to lift the requirement that people wear masks during our worship services, but please note – we are asking that as a congregation we remain sensitive to people’s need to continue masking because they have small children at home or family members who are immunocompromised. If you notice someone with a mask on, please respect their desire to remain socially distanced. Also, please be prepared to wear a mask when interacting with children wearing masks. Finally, rest assured that session will continue to track the pandemic and local and regional guidance regarding masking and all other public health precautions and will make adjustments as warranted.
Update Thursday, February 17
- We will be open for worship on Sunday morning, but masks are still required during the worship service. We want to continue to protect the most vulnerable among us and keep our worship service a safe place for all. Thank you for continuing to wear masks during worship. Session will review this policy every two weeks and adjust as conditions allow.
- We will continue to have coffee and fellowship hour outdoors in the courtyard for now. Please join us for a treat!
- The church office has resumed its regular open hours of Tuesday-Friday, 10 AM-4 PM. We look forward to welcoming you!
- In-person programming will resume in the coming weeks, based on the schedules and comfort levels of individual groups. Adult Sunday School and Godly Play will resume on 2/27. Please check with individual group leaders or the church office for information on specific groups.
- We encourage you to continue wearing masks as you are comfortable and make the best decisions for your health and safety.
Update Tuesday, February 1
- The church office will be open limited hours Tuesday through Thursday, 10 AM-1 PM, but you can always reach us by calling 925-676-7177.
- We will continue to gather for worship Sunday mornings in the sanctuary at 10 AM, but all other in-person activity is on hold, including coffee hour, Godly Play, adult education, and small groups, but many are continuing to meet online. Contact the church office to get connected.
- We plan to proceed with this schedule for the next two weeks and will reevaluate the situation on February 15.
Update Wednesday, January 26
Since Beginnings and Beyond, our campus preschool, has closed for the rest of this week, out of an abundance of caution our church office will also be closed through the end of this week. Church staff are still available by phone and email, so please don’t hesitate to reach out. We regret having to make this decision as we miss seeing you (and we know you miss seeing us too!), but we want to make sure we are limiting the risk of exposure.
Update Wednesday, January 19
- We are monitoring the Covid situation with the Contra Costa County Health Department daily and making decisions week by week.
- The church office is currently open limited hours (Tuesday-Friday, 10 AM-1 PM), but phones are answered until 4 PM.
- All groups and committees are meeting online except for Sunday worship.
- We encourage you to continue to join us either online or in person for Sunday worship. It’s easy to maintain social distancing in our large sanctuary and we will not be serving coffee during Fellowship Hour.
- Adult Sunday School and Godly Play are canceled through January.
Update Friday, December 17
The State of California now requires that everyone wear masks when gathering indoors. You can read the full mask order on the state’s website here. In response, we will continue wearing masks indoors. Thank you for your continued commitment to keeping everyone safe.
Update Tuesday, August 3
The Contra Costa County Health Department is now requiring that all people, even the fully vaccinated, wear masks when gathering indoors with others. Please plan to wear a mask if joining us in person. Thanks for helping to keep everyone safe.
Update Thursday, July 29
The Contra Costa County Health Department is now recommending that all people, even the fully vaccinated, wear masks when gathering indoors with others. Please plan to wear a mask if joining us in person. Thanks for helping to keep everyone safe.
Update Thursday, June 17
The state of California has now lifted most Covid restrictions. If you are planning to worship with us in person and you are fully vaccinated, you are welcome to remove your mask if that is comfortable for you. If you are not vaccinated, please continue to wear a mask. All are welcome to continue wearing masks as they feel comfortable.
Update Thursday, April 8
With Contra Costa County’s recent change to the Orange Tier, FPCC has returned to in-person worship services in the sanctuary Sundays at 10 AM. We will also continue to broadcast worship services online on YouTube. For in-person worship we will continue to follow COVID guidelines, including wearing masks and social distancing, and there will be no congregational singing. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Update Thursday, April 1
Due to chilly morning temperatures, our in-person worship service on Easter Sunday, April 4 is moving indoors to the sanctuary at 10 AM. Due to county guidelines for indoor worship there will be no congregational singing at this service. All participants must be masked and maintain social distancing. We can welcome up to 80 attendees at this service. You can RSVP to this service here.
Update Tuesday, March 16
Contra Costa County has returned to the Red Tier of Covid restrictions. You can read more about the Red Tier on the county health department’s website here. We plan to return to in-person worship with an outdoor service in the courtyard on Easter Sunday morning, April 4 at 10 AM. All participants must be masked and maintain social distancing. We can welcome up to 80 attendees at this service. You can RSVP to this service here.
Update Tuesday, November 17
Contra Costa County has reentered the Purple Tier of Covid restrictions which means we can no longer meet indoors. You can read the full county health order here. Clicking this link will take you to the Contra Costa County Health Department website. With the weather changing and as a precaution to protect everyone’s health, all in-person services at FPCC have been canceled. We will revisit the possibility of reopening when the county moves to a lower tier. Stay safe and continue to join us on YouTube for Sunday worship at 10 AM. Clicking this link will take you to FPCC’s YouTube channel.
Update Wednesday, November 4
This week our in-person service at 10 AM on Sunday moves back into the Sanctuary due to the weather. Please continue to follow these guidelines to keep everyone safe as we move indoors:
- Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer, Bible, Communion elements, and any other items you need for the service.
- Maintain a minimum of six feet of distance away from anyone not in your household.
- Use the sanitizing wipes available in the bathroom to sanitize surfaces after each use; please do not flush these wipes.
- If you have experienced any COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, or runny nose within the past 48 hours, please do not attend. You can check your symptoms on the CDC’s website. Clicking this link will take you to the COVID-19 symptoms page of the Center for Disease Control’s website.
- Temperature checks will be taken at the entrance. You must have a temperature lower than 99° F to enter.
Update Monday, October 19
Our in-person, on-site courtyard service is now at 10 AM on Sundays.
Update Friday, September 25
On Sunday, October 4 we will begin experimenting with an in-person, on-site service in our courtyard at 9 AM. This is a Communion service. The in-person service in the courtyard at 9 AM will feature the same sermon as the recorded Sunday worship service available on YouTube at 10 AM, but with a shorter liturgy and less music. If you prefer a full worship service, please enjoy the recorded Sunday service available on YouTube beginning at 10 AM. Clicking either of these links will take you to FPCC’s YouTube channel. There will not be a fellowship time following the service. If you plan to attend this new in-person service, you must follow these guidelines:
- Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times.
- Bring your own chair, hand sanitizer, Bible, Communion elements, and any other items you need for the service.
- Set up your chair only on a marked spot. Socially distanced spots for chairs will be marked in the courtyard.
- Maintain a minimum of six feet of distance away from anyone not in your household.
- Use the sanitizing wipes available in the bathroom to sanitize surfaces after each use; please do not flush these wipes.
- If you have experienced any COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, or runny nose within the past 48 hours, please do not attend. You can check your symptoms on the CDC’s website. Clicking this link will take you to the COVID-19 symptoms page of the Center for Disease Control’s website.
- Temperature checks will be taken at the courtyard entrance. You must have a temperature lower than 99° F to enter.
Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe and healthy as we begin meeting in person once again.
Update Friday, July 10
Given the current rise of COVID-19 cases in Contra Costa County, Session has decided not to reopen for worship at this time, and to revisit this decision in late August or early September. Opening in the immediate future would mean no singing, no unison prayers, and no fellowship – a very minimalist worship experience that may not feel much like church.
Presbytery has brought some liability issues to our attention, and our recent survey of the congregation assured us that the quality of our online worship services is better than the risks associated with reopening too soon. We heard many messages urging us “Don’t rush,” and “Safety is more important than [congregating] while the virus continues to rage.” One respondent summed it up: “We cannot imagine church as it was at this time. When you take away social greeting, singing, and after service coffee hour you might just as well enjoy it from home as we’re doing now.”
As much as we all want to come back and see each other again, it is far more important to keep everyone safe. When we do return to in-person worship, we will take the following precautions:
- Facility Preparations
- Hand sanitizing stations in the Narthex.
- Disinfectant wipes available in all bathrooms.
- All hymnals, pew Bibles, pencils, friendship pads, other literature, and any other shared items removed from the sanctuary.
- Signs requiring social distancing, mask wearing, and hand sanitizing posted in the Narthex.
- Every other pew roped off to promote social distancing.
- Prior to each service, all touch surfaces wiped down with Lysol disinfectant. Touch surfaces include the wood railing on the back of the pews, bathroom counters, faucets, toilets and dispensers, handicap ramp railings, all stair railings inside and outside, and door handles/crash bars.
- Microphones and stands, music stands, instruments and other items on pulpits and podiums will be wiped down with disinfectant between each use.
- Windows and doors will be kept open during worship to provide better ventilation and fresh outside air, and to prevent congregants from touching door handles. Air conditioners will be left off as much as practical due to the potential spread of the virus by air-conditioned air.
- Changes for those who attend:
- Touch-free temperature and COVID-19 symptom screenings will be required for everyone entering the building. Anyone with a temperature over 100º or who has experienced COVID-19 symptoms within the last 48 hours will not be allowed to enter.
- Masks will be required for everyone entering. Extra masks will be available in the Narthex.
- Changes to our worship services:
- Services will be shorter than normal at no more than 45 minutes, with at least 15 minutes in between for people to exit and to clean prior to the next service.
- Attendance is limited to no more than 100 people or 25% of room capacity. For the sanctuary this would be 75 people.
- Ushers will wear gloves and will pass out bulletins as people enter.
- Ushers will discourage people from congregating in the Narthex prior to worship and remind people to maintain distance. After worship ushers will release people row-by-row to exit through the Narthex.
- We will discontinue congregation group singing, recitation, and other practices where there is increased likelihood for transmission from contaminated exhaled droplets. The choir will not sing at worship or rehearsal until a viable vaccine is available and administered to choir members.
- Children will remain with their parents. No children’s Sunday school will be offered.
- Ushers will wear gloves to hand out pre-packaged communion elements provided in pre-made self-serve packets containing juice and wafers for Communion Sundays
- No offering will be taken during worship. The offering plates will be placed in the Narthex near the entrances, and people will be asked to place their offerings in either before or after worship.
- Changes to coffee hour and fellowship at FPCC
- There will be no fellowship time either before or after worship. People will be asked to leave immediately after worship.
- Drinking water fountains in basement and courtyard will be turned off and signs placed informing congregants/visitors they are inoperable.
- Signs will be posted on bathrooms requiring that only one person use the bathroom at a time unless part of a family unit.
- Additional protocols
- A record will be kept of all attendees for a minimum of 14 days and be made available to health officials in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19.
Continue to stay safe and we will continue to worship with you remotely.
Update Tuesday, May 5th
The Contra Costa County Health Department has extended the ordinance requiring all county residents to shelter in place in their homes through Sunday, May 31. You can read the full ordinance here. While the county is relaxing some restrictions regarding outdoor activity, FPCC is continuing our full slate of online programing to keep our church community connected:
- Pastor Johanna, Rebecca, Darryl, DeVonn, and Lisa will take turns hosting morning prayer videos daily Monday through Saturday on our YouTube channel at 9 AM,
- Pastor Johanna will live stream a mindfulness service Thursday nights at 8 PM on YouTube and Facebook,
- Darryl will host Sunday evening praise worship sessions live on Facebook at 7 PM,
- Sunday morning worship will continue on YouTube at 10 AM on Sundays.
Update Tuesday, April 7th
The Contra Costa County Health Department has extended the ordinance requiring all county residents to shelter in place in their homes through Sunday, May 3. You can read the full ordinance here. In response, FPCC is continuing our full slate of online programing to keep our church community connected:
- Pastor Johanna, Rebecca, Darryl, and Lisa will take turns hosting morning prayer videos daily Monday through Saturday on our YouTube channel at 9 AM,
- Periodically Pastor Johanna will also post brief scriptural reflection videos on YouTube,
- Darryl will host Sunday evening praise worship sessions live on Facebook at 7 PM,
- Sunday morning worship will continue on YouTube at 10 AM on Sundays.
Update Monday, March 16th
Today the Contra Costa County Health Department issued an ordinance requiring all county residents to shelter in place in their homes beginning midnight tonight and continuing until April 8. You can read the full ordinance here. In response, FPCC is making some changes in the coming weeks to help protect everyone’s health. See the end of this email for a full list of all canceled FPCC programs through April 7.
Join in! New Ways to Participate
FPCC is ready to try some new ways to make sure we stay connected in the coming weeks.
- Beginning Tuesday, March 17th, Pastor Johanna will host live morning prayers on our YouTube channel at 9 AM. Please send her any prayer requests at pastorjohanna@fpcconcord.org to be included. You can join her in prayer every morning here.
- Periodically Pastor Johanna will also post short videos with reflections on spiritual disciplines to help us through this strange time. Find the first video here to find out what Pastor Johanna is binge-watching! Future videos will be available on our YouTube channel.
- Online Sunday services will continue! Pastor Johanna will continue to live stream her sermons on our YouTube channel Sundays at 10 AM.
Stay Connected! Let’s Not Lose Touch
The church office will be closed from Tuesday, March 17 through Tuesday, April 7 and will not be receiving any voicemails. But we still want to hear from you!
- You can still email the office at fpcc@fpcconcord.org. This email will be checked daily Monday through Friday.
- Feel free to call Pastor Johanna (574-933-4243) or Rebecca Chase (858-805-5874) with any needs or just to let us know how you’re doing. You can also email them at pastorjohanna@fpcconcord or rebeccac@fpcconcord.org.
- Be sure to email Pastor Johanna with any prayer requests for her daily prayer video atpastorjohanna@fpcconcord.org.
- If you need any assistance (grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, etc.), please contact your deacon. Deacons, if you need help fulfilling these needs, please email church staff at fpcc@fpcconcord.org.
Our church and all other non-profits still rely on regular giving to keep things running even as we won’t be gathering in person. Consider giving from home with Zelle, the safe online giving app that partners with your bank. Sign up through your bank’s mobile app and select FPCCZelle@fpcconcord.org.
The following FPCC events have been canceled through April 7th:
- Men’s Bible Study at Digger’s Diner on Tuesday mornings
- All musical rehearsals (choir, praise band, and The Flock)
- The Wednesday night small group with dinner at church
- Theology on Tap
- Mission Sewing Group on Thursday mornings
- The Prayer Walk on Saturday, March 21
- The Gathering on Saturday nights
- Sunday morning worship service, fellowship time, and adult Sunday school (Please note: Pastor Johanna will live stream Sunday sermons on YouTube at 10 AM on Sundays)
- The Clayton Small Group on Monday nights
- The Clean Start Laundry program on Saturday, March 28
- The Wednesday afternoon Bible Study at church with LaVerne Herren
- Circle 4’s April meeting
- First Friday’s April meeting
- The Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast
We look forward to rescheduling many of these events when we can. Even though we may not see each other very much for a few weeks, your church family loves you and we will continue to hold each other in prayer.
Original post from Tuesday, March 11th
The Contra Costa County Health Department has declared a county-wide state of emergency in response to the local spread of coronavirus. You can read their statement and guidance for social distancing here.
At FPCC we are taking the situation seriously, but we don’t believe that there is cause for alarm. We will continue to have our worship service this Sunday, March 15 as well as the Farewell Reception for Susan Soehner during the Fellowship Time.
However, we will be making some changes to help protect everyone’s health, and we encourage anyone with a compromised immune system or underlying health situation, anyone classified as part of a vulnerable population, or anyone not feeling well to please stay home.
If you choose to stay home on Sunday morning–good news!
First Presbyterian Church Concord has our own YouTube channel!
You can now live stream our services any time you can’t make it to church. Plus, you can also find past services here, so if you’ve missed one, this is the place to find it. Click the purple button below to go directly to our channel. When you see the welcome message from Pastor Johanna, you’ll know you’re in the right place.
You can also give to FPCC online!
Participate in the weekly offering while watching the service from home with Zelle, the safe online giving app that partners with your bank. Sign up through your bank’s mobile app or by clicking the button below and select FPCCZelle@fpcconcord.org.
If you choose to join us on Sunday morning, here’s what to expect:
- We will be practicing “social distancing” as advised by the county: spread out and plan to sit at least 6 feet away from each other, and refrain from handshakes and hugs, use elbow bumps or waves instead.
- We will not be passing collection plates down the aisles to collect the offering during the service. Instead, collection plates will be available in the narthex, or you may give online with Zelle.
- We will not be passing the peace during the worship service to prevent physical contact. We encourage you to share the peace of Christ with each other through a wave or a nod.
- Hand sanitizer and tissues will be available in the narthex.