2MIPeople Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit promoting the spiritual growth and wellness of those living with mental health issues, is coming to California!
Founded by Pastor Johanna during her time in St. Louis, 2MIPeople Inc. has just received a $150,000 grant from the Presbytery of San Francisco so the work can continue here.
Pastor Johanna and her husband Michael “started this ministry in 2016 to provide people with mental health issues safe, stigma-free environments in which to grow their faith and the opportunity to advocate for the larger mental health community by providing training and resources to the church and other community groups,” Pastor Johanna explains.
The work of 2MIPeople is two-fold:
- First, they work to create communities and provide resources for those with mental health issues.
- Second, they also create and provide resources for churches and other front-line community organizations to better serve people experiencing mental illness.
Dismantling the culture of silence and stigma that surrounds mental health diagnoses is crucial. Providing language to talk about these issues and safe spaces in which to have these conversations can be the first step on the path to wellness.
2MIPeople’s most recent grant from the San Francisco Presbytery will help with designing a curriculum to enable churches better to support people struggling with homelessness or housing vulnerability and mental illness. To help with this work, 2MIPeople has made some wonderful contacts at U.C. Berkeley. Dr. Ann Kring, Chair of the Psychology Department , and Christine Scudder (MSW, LCSW) of the School of Social Work , will be joining the team as members of 2MIPeople’s Advisory Board .
Pastor Johanna says, “We would like to thank First Presbyterian for partnering with us on this ministry here in California, and look forward to providing updates to you frequently on our progress on this latest project.”