Read the opening article on the mission study below or click here to download a PDF of the full edition from FPCC’s website.
Mission Study Meetings
Church family, it’s once again time when we must update our mission study. The mission study is a framework for our future. It helps prospective pastors to see what we’re all about. It also helps them understand the demographics of the area, the cost of living, our church history, and our goals. Perhaps the most crucial parts are the mission, vision, and values statements. These are developed via input from each of you. With that in mind the Sunday school hour on July 10th, 17th and 31st will be dedicated to the mission study. Please plan on attending one of these meetings. It would be ideal if every one of you, member or not, would participate in helping to build our future. A brief survey will be conducted regarding the church. Data parsed from that survey will help us define our mission (Who are we?), vision (What do we want to do?), and values (How do we get there?). For planning purposes, please email leadership@fpcconcord.org with your name and your date preference. I look forward to building our future together. “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” — Andrew Carnegie Darryl McCollum, CLP |