Read the opening article, Welcome, Reverend Carol, below or click here to download a PDF of the full edition from FPCC’s website.
On July 30 we welcomed our new interim pastor Rev. Dr. Carol Antablin Miles. Rev. Carol is not new to our church because she has been serving as a coach and mentor to the Transition Ministry Pastors for the past year. Given her familiarity with our church, her acceptance of the call to serve is truly a blessing. Rev. Carol’s background and service to God is extensive. She has served as a church pastor, campus minister, and seminary professor. She spent the last six years as the designated pastor for the English language congregation at Chinese Presbyterian Church in Oakland’s Chinatown. Rev. Carol thinks of herself primarily as a teacher and loves helping congregations grow in their faith and understanding of who God is and what it means to live as people of God. She is excited to have joined the pastoral staff at FPCC and looks forward to getting to know everyone so please introduce yourself. Let’s thank God for this new season in the life of our church and welcome Rev. Carol. |